Mi is az a LEADER?


About us

Déli Napfény LEADER Egyesület

6724 Szeged, 36. Juhász Gyula Street

Tel: +36703263140

Déli Napfény Nonprofit Ltd. was founded in 2008 as one of the 96 Local Action Groups (LAGs) in Hungary. Its main goal is the realization of its regional development policy. Our responsibility is the coordination of projects of the LAG including 12 villages. In 2011, however, the Ltd transformed into an Association called Déli Napfény LEADER Egyesület but still functions as a LAG.

The member settlements of the LAG share similar traditions, the area is „coherent” is social, physical and economic terms. The Local Development Strategy (LDS) was created in order to preserve our local values and specialities, what is more, establishing a touristic attraction through the popularization of these traditions. Furthermore, LDS builds on linkages between sectors and actors in ways that have multiplier effect on local development and disusses several issues concernig the cooperation among public, private and civil sectors. This may result in development of living standards of the population due helping people and organizations get into the mainstream of the economic and social life.

The priorities of the LAG are the following:

  1.     Sustainable rural development concerning habitat and living standards corresponding with the support of civil society.

  2.     Innovation in agriculture and economy, introduction of new economic functions via tourism.

Axis III. of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) alows us to invite applications in four fields.

Axis III.: In the 2007-2013 programmig period, ÚMVP (New Hungary Rural Development Programme) contributed to the implementation of the Development Stategies with 262 billion forints. Throughout the planning period great emphasis was put upon the idea to enlist the energy and resources of people and bodies that could contribute to the rural development process by forming partnerships at a sub-regional level between the public, private and civil sectors.

  • Preservation of rural heritage: environmental and architectural heritage are not only of great importance for the inhabitants of a village but also for tourists. The main purpose of this title is to preserve the remaining buildings.

  • Village renewal: Public buildings and community places are the heart and soul of a settlement: they are stages of important events, festivals which have a great influence on people’s awareness of togetherness.

  • Development of rural tourism: Touristic enterpreneurs are given the possibility to modernise or provide extra services for their guests.

  • Development of local enterprises: Due to their financial support, local enterprises may offer a wider range of service on a better standard, what is more, it may result in further prospects of employment.

LEADER (Axis IV) titles:

  • LEADER public benefit development

  • LEADER business development

  • LEADER events

  • LEADER Training

  • LEADER Inter-regional coopertion

  • LEADER Trans-regional and trans-national cooperation

The LEADER Approach:


Algyő Deszk Dóc Domaszék
Ferencszállás Klárafalva Kübekháza Röszke
Sándorfalva Szatymaz Tiszasziget Újszentiván